1930《阿Q正傳》世界語譯本封面 |
1930《阿Q正傳》世界語譯本內頁 |
德萊塞(1871-1945)美國自然主義小說家,作品細膩刻畫現代化的美國社會,尤以工筆狀物見長,其物與筆下人物互為表裡,從中帶出消費主義、性別差異、權利與階級運作等議題。在世雖然聲名不傳,如今卻公認為二戰前最重要的美國小說家,生平共出版8部長篇小說,鍾憲民翻譯了3部,按照譯作出版時間分別是《人間悲劇》(An American Tragedy)、《嘉麗妹妹》(Sister Carrie)和《天才夢》(The Genius)。
臺北:新興(1952)譯者署名顧隱 |
臺北:新興(1954)譯者署名顧隱 |
台南:北一(1969) |
台南:綜合(1972) |
台南:東海(1975) |
台北:日昇(1981) |
台北:裕泰(1981) |
Dusk--of a summer night.
And the tall walls of the commercial heart of an American city of perhaps 400,000 inhabitants--such walls as in time may linger as a mere fable.
And up the broad street, now comparatively hushed, a little band of six,--a man of about fifty, short, stout, with bushy hair protruding from under a round black felt hat, a most unimportant-looking person, who carried a small portable organ such as is customarily used by street preachers and singers. And with him a woman perhaps five years his junior, taller, not so broad, but solid of frame and vigorous, very plain in face and dress, and yet not homely, leading with one hand a small boy of seven and in the other carrying a Bible and several hymn books. With these three, but walking independently behind, was a girl of fifteen, a boy of twelve and another girl of nine, all following obediently, but not too enthusiastically, in the wake of the others.
通篇看來,鍾譯行雲流水,雖偶有誤譯(例如not homely譯為「態度不很自然」),但仍瑕不掩瑜。1946年上海建國書店出版的鍾譯《嘉麗妹妹》也是一部佳譯,為全譯本,共47章,正文前有〈譯者序言〉,介紹該書的出版經過、故事梗概、書評以及在中國的翻譯簡史:「他的作品介紹到國內來的,已有傅東華譯的『真妮姑娘』和拙譯『人間悲劇』」。奇怪的是,1953年台北明華書局出版的鍾譯卻是節譯本,僅36章,省略了4、9、11、18、19、30、32、33、38、40、41,共計11章,譯者署名「鍾憲民」,〈譯者序言〉改為〈序言〉,刪去該書在中國的翻譯狀況,書末則保留:「三十三年四月譯畢」字樣,以此推斷,當時鍾憲民應該還在台灣。台北遠景1979年出版的則是47章全譯本,譯者改署「黃蓉」,完全不見鍾憲民原本的譯序,改附〈德萊塞和嘉莉妹妹〉,書末「三十三年四月譯畢」的字樣也被刪掉,改附〈德萊塞年表〉,一直到2000年台北桂冠出版的《嘉利妹妹》都還是署名「黃蓉」的鍾憲民譯本。
臺北:明華(1953) |
臺北:遠景(1953) |
臺北:桂冠(2000) |
Whatever touch of regret at parting characterised her thoughts, it was certainly not for advantages now being given up. A gush of tears at her mother's farewell kiss, a touch in her throat when the cars clacked by the flour mill where her father worked by the day, a pathetic sigh as the familiar green environs of the village passed in review…
引文中鍾譯依照中文的時序律顛倒語序,先發生的訊息提前先譯,再譯後發生的訊息,因此先翻譯以下三件事:“her mother's farewell kiss”, “when the cars clacked by the flour mill where her father worked by the day”, “as the familiar green environs of the village passed in review”,再翻譯嘉麗妹妹對這三件事的反應:「淚眼汪汪」、「滿喉哽咽」、「一聲感嘆」。整體而言,鍾譯訛誤甚少,可讀性佳,允為善譯。
原文:This story has its beginnings in the town of Alexandria, Illinois, between 1884 and 1889, at the time when the place had a population of somewhere near ten thousand. There was about it just enough of the air of a city to relieve it of the sense of rural life. It had one street-car line, a theatre,—or rather, an opera house, so-called (why no one might say, for no opera was ever performed there)—two railroads, with their stations, and a business district, composed of four brisk sides to a public square. In the square were the county court-house and four newspapers. These two morning and two evening papers made the population fairly aware of the fact that life was full of issues, local and national, and that there were many interesting and varied things to do. On the edge of town, several lakes and a pretty stream—perhaps Alexandria's most pleasant feature—gave it an atmosphere not unakin to that of a moderate-priced summer resort. Architecturally the town was not new. It was mostly built of wood, as all American towns were at this time, but laid out prettily in some sections, with houses that sat back in great yards, far from the streets, with flower beds, brick walks, and green trees as concomitants of a comfortable home life. Alexandria was a city of young Americans. Its spirit was young. Life was all before almost everybody. It was really good to be alive.
Stella's golden curls were covered, except for a few ringlets, with a French cap; her body, to below the hips, encased in a white wool Jersey, close-fitting and shapely. The skirt below was a grey mixture of thick wool and the stockings were covered by white woolen leggings. She looked tempting and knew it.
Suddenly, as they turned, one of her skates came loose and she hobbled and exclaimed about it. "Wait," said Eugene, "I'll fix it.”
引文中鍾譯適時採用逆譯法,讓譯文符合中文語法,至於人名則採歸化策略,例如Stella譯為「思籟」、Myrtle譯為「梅兒」、Thomas Jefferson Witla譯為「韋吉生」、Eugene Tennyson Witla譯為「韋有經」。全書曉暢易讀,惜未譯全。
臺北:明華(1955) |
臺北:大中國(1964) |